- S. Ghislandi, Composti organici per la fisica degli eventi rari, 106° Conferenza Nazionale della Società di FIsica (SIF 2020), 14 - 18 September 2021, Virtual Conference slides
- I. Nutini, Ricerca di doppio decadimento beta senza neutrini con bolometri, 106° Conferenza Nazionale della Società di FIsica (SIF 2020), 14 - 18 September 2021, Virtual Conference slides
- S. Quitadamo, Modellizzazione della forma degli impulsi nei rivelatori termici , 106° Conferenza Nazionale della Società di FIsica (SIF 2020), 14 - 18 September 2021, Virtual Conference slides
- D. Chiesa, Double beta decay results from the CUPID-0 experiment, International Conference on High Energy Physics 2020 (ICHEP 2020), 28 July - 6 August, Virtual Conference slides
- M. Faverzani, Status of the HOLMES experiment, International Conference on Neutrino and Nuclear Physics 2020 (CNNP2020), 24-28 February 2020, Cape Town, South Africa slides
- L. Pagnanini, CUPID-0: a dual-readout cryogenic detector for double-beta decay, International Conference on Neutrino and Nuclear Physics 2020 (CNNP2020), 24-28 February 2020, Cape Town, South Africa slides
- M. Borghesi, Updates on the HOLMES detector array fabrication, Determination of the Effective Electron (anti)-neutrino Mass 2020 (10-14 February 2020, Villazzano Trento, Italy slides
- G. Gallucci, Source and implantation for HOLMES experiment, Determination of the Effective Electron (anti)-neutrino Mass 2020 (10-14 February 2020, Villazzano Trento, Italy slides
- A. Nucciotti, HOLMES, Determination of the Effective Electron (anti)-neutrino Mass 2020 (10-14 February 2020, Villazzano Trento, Italy slides
- A. Giachero, TES microcalorimeter detectors suitable for neutrino mass measurement, 14th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS2019), 1-5 September 2019, SEC, Glasgow slides
- G. Gallucci, Status of the HOLMES experiment to directly measure the electron neutrino mass with a calorimetric approach, The 21st International Workshop on Neutrinos from Accelerators (NuFact2019), 26-31 August 2019, Daegu, Republic of South Korea slides
- C. Brofferio, Final results of the CUPID-0 - Phase I experiment, International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics (ICNFP 2019), 21-29 August 2019, Kolymbari, Greece slides
- M. Borghesi, Analysis techniques for the signal processing of the HOLMES detectors, 18th International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors (LTD-18), 22-26 July 2019, Milan, Italy poster
- M. De Gerone, 163Ho distillation and implantation for the HOLMES experiment, 18th International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors (LTD-18), 22-26 July 2019, Milan, Italy poster
- M. Faverzani, Status of the HOLMES experiment, 18th International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors (LTD-18), 22-26 July 2019, Milan, Italy slides
- E. Ferri, Microfabrication of TES microcalorimeters fot the HOLMES experiment, 18th International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors (LTD-18), 22-26 July 2019, Milan, Italy poster
- A. Giachero, High speed microwave rf-SQUID multiplexing read-out for the HOLMES experiment, 18th International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors (LTD-18), 22-26 July 2019, Milan, Italy poster
- I. Nutini, The CUORE detector and results, 18th International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors (LTD-18), 22-26 July 2019, Milan, Italy slides
- A. Puiu, Transition Edge Sensors for HOLMES, 18th International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors (LTD-18), 22-26 July 2019, Milan, Italy slides
- L. Gironi, Final results of the CUPID-0 Phase I experiment, 31st Rencontres de Blois on "Particle Physics and Cosmology" (Blois 2019), 2-7 June 2019, Blois, France slides
- D. Chiesa, Final results of the CUPID-0 Phase I experiment, Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos (WIN 7), 3-8 June 2019, Bari, Italy slides
- M. Beretta, Final results of the CUPID-0 Phase I experiment, Low Radioactivity Techniques (LRT 2019), 19-23 May 2019, Laboratorio Subterráneo de Canfranc (LSC), Spain slides
- L. Pagnanini, Results on double beta decay of 82Se with CUPID-0 Phase I, Matrix Elements for the Double beta decay EXperiments (MEDEX 19), 27-31 May 2019, Prague, Czech Rep. slides
- C. Brofferio, CUPID-0: a double-readout cryogenic detector for DBD, Vienna Conference on Instrumentation (VCI 2019), 18-22 February 2019, Vienna, Austria slides
- E. Ferri, The HOLMES experiment: status and perspectives, Neutrino Oscillation Workshop, 9-16 September, 2018, Ostuni, Brindisi, Italy slides
- A. Giachero, Cryogenics microwave -SQUID multiplexing read-out for the calorimetric measurement of the neutrino mass, 13th Workshop on Low Temperature Electronics (WOLTE-13), 10–13 September, 2018, Sorrento, Italy slides
- A. Giachero, Probing the neutrino mass with calorimetric electron capture spectroscopy: the HOLMES project, XXVIII International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics, 4 - 9 June, 2018, Heidelberg, Germany poster
- A.Nucciotti, Status of the HOLMES neutrino mass experiment, Neutrinos and Dark Matter in Nuclear Physics 2018 (NDM 2018), 26 June - 3 July, 2018, Institute for Basic Science (IBS), Daejeon, South Korea slides
- L. Pagnanini, First results on neutrinoless double beta decay of 82Se with CUPID-0, 30th Rencontres de Blois on "Particle Physics and Cosmology" (Blois2018), 3-8 June 2018, Blois slides
- M. Faverzani, High energy resolution thermal microcalorimeters for the HOLMES experiment, Frontier Detectors for Frontier Physics, 14th Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detectors, 27 May - 02 June, 2018, La Biodola, Isola d’Elba, Italy poster
- M. De Gerone, 163Holmium implantation and distillation for HOLMES experiment, Frontier Detectors for Frontier Physics, 14th Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detectors, poster poster
- M. Faverzani, The HOLMES experiment, Determination of the absolute electron (anti)-neutrino mass, 26-30 April, 2018, ECT*, Villa Tambosi, Trento, Italy slides
- E. Ferri, Detectors and microwave multiplexing for the HOLMES experiment, Determination of the absolute electron (anti)-neutrino mass, 26-30 April, 2018, ECT*, Villa Tambosi, Trento, Italy slides
- M. De Gerone, 163Holmium implantation and distillation for HOLMES experiment, Determination of the absolute electron (anti)-neutrino mass, 26-30 April, 2018, ECT*, Villa Tambosi, Trento, Italy slides
- G. Gallucci, Enclosing of Ho-163 in absorber of large TES arrays for the HOLMES experiment, Determination of the absolute electron (anti)-neutrino mass, 26-30 April, 2018, ECT*, Villa Tambosi, Trento, Italy slides
- L. Gironi, Results of CUPID-0, 53rd Rescontres de Moriond - Electroweak interactiond and unified theories, 10-17 March, 2018, La Thuile, Italy slides
- I. Nutini, Search for neutrinoless double-beta decay with CUORE, Les Rencontres de Physique de la Vallée d’Aoste February 25 – March 3, 2018, La Thuile, Italy slides
- M. Faverzani, The calorimetric approach to directly measure the neutrino mass with HOLMES, Prospects in Neutrino Physics 2017, 20-22 December, 2017, London, UK poster
- E. Ferri, Characterization of the microwave multiplexing readout and TESs for HOLMES, International Conference on Neutrino and Nuclear Physics 2017, 15 - 21 October, 2017, Catania, Italy
A. Nucciotti, Direct neutrino mass measurement by the HOLMES experiment. International Conference on Neutrino and Nuclear Physics 2017, 15 - 21 October, 2017, Catania, Italy - A. Puiu, Direct neutrino mass measurement by the HOLMES experiment, EXSA workshop on Quantitative methods in X-ray spectrometry, 11 - 13 October, 2017, Berlin, Germany slides
- M. Faverzani, Direct calorimetric measurement of the neutrino mass with HOLMES, Italian National Conference on the Physics of Matter (FisMat2017), 2 - 6 October 6, 2017, Trieste, Italy slides
- M. Borghesi, Transition Edge Sensor per la misura diretta della massa del neutrino: l’esperimento HOLMES, 103° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Fisica, 11 – 15 September, 2017, Trieste, Italy slides
- M. De Gerone, Probing the absolute neutrino mass scale with 163Ho: the HOLMES project, XV International Conference on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics (TAUP 2017), 24 - 28 July 2017, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada slides
- G. Gallucci, 163Ho distillation and implantation for HOLMES experiment, 17th International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors, 17-21 July, 2017, Kurume, Fukuoka, Japan poster
- A. Nucciotti, Status of the HOLMES experiment to directly measure the electron neutrino mass, 17th International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors, 17-21 July, 2017, Kurume, Fukuoka, Japan slides
- A. Puiu, Updates on the Transition-Edge Sensors and Multiplexed Readout for HOLMES, 17th International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors, 17-21 July, 2017, Kurume, Fukuoka, Japan poster
- A. Orlando, Microfabrication of transition-edge sensor arrays of microcalorimeters with 163 Ho for direct neutrino mass measurements with HOLMES, 17th International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors, 17-21 July, 2017, Kurume, Fukuoka, Japan poster
- J. Hays-Wehle, Multiplexing Readout for HOLMES: motivation, design, and performance, Applied Superconductivity Conference (ASC 2016), 4 - 9 September, 2016, Denver, CO, USA slides
- J. Hays-Wehle, Pixel Design for HOLMES: motivation, design, and performance, Applied Superconductivity Conference (ASC 2016), 4 - 9 September, 2016, Denver, CO, USA slides
- A. Puiu, Development of transition edge sensors with rf-SQUID based multiplexing system for the HOLMES experiment, XXVII International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics, 4-9 July, 2016, South Kensington, London, UK poster
- M. Faverzani, HOLMES, XXVII International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics, 4-9 July, 2016, South Kensington, London, UK poster
- B. Alpert, Algorithms for identification of nearly-coincident events in calorimetric sensor, Determination of the absolute electron (anti)-neutrino mass, 4-8 April, 2016, ECT*, Villa Tambosi, Trento, Italy slides
- V. Ceriale, HOLMES Realization of a metallic Ho target for future Ho ionic implantation: status of the art, Determination of the absolute electron (anti)-neutrino mass, 4-8 April, 2016, ECT*, Villa Tambosi, Trento, Italy poster
- M. Faverzani, Status of the HOLMES detector development, Determination of the absolute electron (anti)-neutrino mass, 4-8 April, 2016, ECT*, Villa Tambosi, Trento, Italy poster
- E. Ferri, Bandwidth requirements and effective time resolution in HOLMES, Determination of the absolute electron (anti)-neutrino mass, 4-8 April, 2016, ECT*, Villa Tambosi, Trento, Italy, slides
- A. Giachero, Microwave rf-SQUID multiplexing read-out for the HOLMES experiment, Determination of the absolute electron (anti)-neutrino mass, 4-8 April, 2016, ECT*, Villa Tambosi, Trento, Italy poster
- J. Hays-Wehle, Pixel Design for HOLMES: motivation, design, and performance, Determination of the absolute electron (anti)-neutrino mass, 4-8 April, 2016, ECT*, Villa Tambosi, Trento, Italy slides
- A. Nucciotti, The HOLMES experiment, Determination of the absolute electron (anti)-neutrino mass, 4-8 April, 2016, ECT*, Villa Tambosi, Trento, Italy slides
- A. Nucciotti, New low temperature and superconductivity technology challenges, INFN workshop on future detectors, December 16th, 2015, Torino, Italy slides
- M. Faverzani, Superconducting detectors for neutrino mass measurement, 12th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS2015), 6 – 10 September, 2015, Lyon, France slides
- A. Giachero, Development of microwave-multiplexed superconductive detectors for the HOLMES experiment, XIV International Conference on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics (TAUP 2015), 7-11 September, 2015, Torino, Italy poster
- V. Ceriale, Considerations on the 163Ho implantation on the Au absorber for HOLMES , 16th International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors, 20-24 July, 2015, Centre de Congrès WTC, Grenoble, France poster
- E. Ferri, Pile-up discrimination algorithms for the HOLMES experiment, 16th International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors, 20-24 July, 2015, Centre de Congrès WTC, Grenoble, France poster
- F. Gatti, Neutrino Experiment, 16th International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors, 20-24 July, 2015, Centre de Congrès WTC, Grenoble, France slides
- A. Giachero, Development of microwave superconducting microresonators for neutrino mass measurement in the HOLMES framework, 16th International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors, 20-24 July, 2015, Centre de Congrès WTC, Grenoble, France poster slides
- A. Orlando, Transition-edge sensor arrays of microcalorimeters with Ho-163 for direct neutrino mass measurements with HOLMES, 16th International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors, 20-24 July, 2015, Centre de Congrès WTC, Grenoble, France slides
- A. Nucciotti, The HOLMES experiment, 16th International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors, 20-24 July, 2015, Centre de Congrès WTC, Grenoble, France slides
- A. Puiu, Development of the rf-SQUID based multiplexing system for the HOLMES experiment, 16th International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors, 20-24 July, 2015, Centre de Congrès WTC, Grenoble, France poster
- E. Ferri, Microwave multiplex read out for superconducting sensors, Frontier Detectors for Frontier Physics, 13th Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detectors , 24–30 May , 2015, La Biodola, Isola d’Elba, Italy poster
- G. Pizzigoni, Inside HOLMES experiment: 163Ho metallic target production for the micro-calorimeter absorber, Frontier Detectors for Frontier Physics, 13th Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detectors , 24–30 May , 2015, La Biodola, Isola d’Elba, Italy
- A. Nucciotti, Status of the HOLMES detector development, Frontier Detectors for Frontier Physics, 13th Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detectors , 24–30 May , 2015, La Biodola, Isola d’Elba, Italy poster
- A. Puiu, HOLMES: an experiment for a direct measurement of neutrino mass, XVII International Workshop on Neutrino Telescopes, 2 - 6 March 2017, Venice, Italy poster
- V. Ceriale, TES detector and array production for the HOLMES experiment, XVII International Workshop on Neutrino Telescopes, 2 - 6 March 2017, Venice, Italy poster
- A. Puiu, Direct neutrino mass measurement with Transition Edge Sensors and Kinetic Inductance Microwave Detectors, The International Workshop on Prospects of Particle Physics: “Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics”, 1-8 February, 2015, Valday, Russia slides
- A. Nucciotti, The HOLMES experiment, XXVI International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics, 2-7 July, 2015, Boston, MA, USA poster
- A. Giachero, The Electron Neutrino Mass Measurement by the HOLMES experiment: a Status Report, Chalonge Meudon Workshop 2014, 4-6 June, 2014, CIAS Observatoire de Paris, Château de Meudon, Meudon Campus, Paris, France slides
- E. Ferri, Neutrino mass measurement with Ho, 37th International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP 2014), 2-9 July, 2014. Valencia, Spain slides
- M. De Gerone, Probing the absolute neutrino mass scale with the 163Ho: the HOLMES project, Neutrino Oscillation Workshop (NOW 2014), 7-14, September, 2014, Conca Specchiulla, Otranto, Lecce, Italy slides