CalQuStates is a PRIN 2022 project funded by MUR to develop a noise characterization testbed for low-temperature microwave amplifiers.
The noise level of low-temperature amplifiers is a critical factor in achieving high-fidelity detection of quantum states. Significant advancements in this field have demonstrated the feasibility of reaching quantum-limited noise levels through parametric amplification. CalQuStates is dedicated to developing a noise characterization testbed for low-temperature microwave amplifiers. This testbed features a variable-temperature source consisting of a copper holder housing a power attenuator, a calibrated RuOx thermometer, and a resistive heater. The setup is completed by two superconducting Nb coaxial cables, which provide effective thermal decoupling from the refrigeration system.
Participants: National Metrology Institute of Italy - INRIM (Emanuele Enrico, PI), University of Milano-Bicocca (Marco Faverzani, local project leader)