B-NGO - Boron nitride two-dimeNsional template for the inteGration of supercOnducting nitrides on silicon
- Category: Quantum Technology
- By Marco
- Hits: 435
Calibration of microwave chains for Quantum States preparation and readout at millikelvin temperatures.
- Category: Quantum Technology
- By Angelo
- Hits: 8203
The DARTWARS project aims to boost the sensitivity of experiments based on low-noise superconducting detectors and qubits through the development of wideband superconducting amplifiers with noise at the quantum limit.
Read more: Dart Wars - Detector Array Readout with Traveling Wave AmplifieRS
- Category: Quantum Technology
- By Angelo
- Hits: 8969
Qub-IT is a project funded by National Commission 5 of INFN to develop superconducting qubits for Dark Matter searches and more.
Read more: Qub-IT - Quantum Sensing With Superconducting Qubits For Fundamental Physics
- Category: Quantum Technology
- By Angelo
- Hits: 972
The primary mission of the Quantum Information Science Milano-Bicocca (QISMIB) initiative at the University of Milano-Bicocca is to introduce undergraduate and master students to the main foundational concepts of quantum computing and quantum technologies, as well as to provide them with the necessary theoretical and experimental tools to pursue research in this field.
- Category: Quantum Technology
- By Angelo
- Hits: 1056