Traineeships abroad can last from a minimum of 2 months to a maximum of 12 months and can be carried out in participant EU countries.
Extra UE countries are also included through the Exchange EXTRA-UE program.

Traineeships aim at offering training and stages in university and research center laboratories - but not exclusively, - also to prepare the thesis work.

For more information visit:

  • the EU Erasmus+ Traineeship web site
  • the University of Milano Bicocca web site for the application calls

Our group collaborates with several European and US research groups and could provide top destinations to interested students. Examples are:

  1. Max Planck Institute, Munich, Germany:
    • SSD characterization for the TRISTAN upgrade of the KATRIN experiment. (contact: Matteo Biassoni)
    • Analysis of data collected in KATRIN with the TRISTAN detector. (contact: Matteo Biassoni)
    • Superconducting detector development for rare event and dark matter searches. (contact: Andrea Giachero)
  2. University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands: RF techniques for the cosmic neutrino background detection (PTOLEMY). (contact: Andrea Giachero)
  3. Princeton University, New Jersey, USA: Development of detectors for the cosmic neutrino background detection (PTOLEMY). (contact: Angelo Nucciotti)
  4. CNRS, Grenoble, France: Superconducting detectors for dark matter searches and neutrino coherent elastic scattering experiments. (contact: Angelo Nucciotti)
  5. Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany: Neutrino mass measurement with low temperature detectors (ECHo). (contact: Angelo Nucciotti)
  6. MIT, Boston, Massachussets, USA: Neutrino mass measurement using electron Cyclotron Resonant Emission (Project8). (contact: Angelo Nucciotti)