The CUORE detector will be made of 988 TeO2 crystals and will need a base temperature lower than 10 mK in order to meet the performance specifications. To cool the CUORE detector a large cryogen-free cryostat with five pulse tubes and one specially designed high-power dilution refrigerator has been designed. The detector assembly has a total mass of about 1.5 ton and uses a vibration decoupling suspension system. Because of the stringent requirements regarding radioactivity, about 12 tons of lead shielding need to be cooled to 4K and below, and only a limited number of construction materials are acceptable.
- Pulse Tube testing
- Materials low temperature characterization
- Thermometer calibration
- CUORE Wiring system design and testing
Other research acitivities are devoted to the detector developments necessary for an experiment beyond CUORE (e.g. CUPID).
CUORE Cryogenic Activities in the Laboratory
CUORE Cryogenic System commissioning and testing